Monkfish with a Sauce concoction

I call it a concoction because I followed no recipe and just sort of threw a bunch of stuff in there. And Dave agreed, it came out nice! He all but licked the plate.. okay he didnt literally lick the plate... but he was wiping his finger across it.. close enough ;-) hehe
Someone at work clued me in that the fish market was carrying monkfish.. so I swooped in and bought one of their last bits. There are a few things to this recipe I would do differently if I were to do it again... dredging the fish in flour for one... monkfish has such a subtle flavor, it makes about as much sense to fry a lobster. Also, with the sauce.. I started with butter and olive oil... I think the butter scorched a little, next time I'll add it after the broth.
I also made use of one of the ingredients Shizu sent me.. which I thought lent a nice citrus spicey punch to it.
So on with my recipe..
For the Fish
1 1/5lb chunk of monkfish
olive oil
For the sauce
4 plum tomatos
1 small bunch of chopped parsley
1 cup chicken broth
1/2 stick butter
3 tbsp olive oil
1 packet paella spice mixture (paprika, garlic powder, saffron, etc)
Let the fish marinade in the enough olive oil to cling to it, with about 2 tsp yuzu for about 30 mins
Dredge in flour and fry on both sides quickly until it turns light gold, then place the pan into the oven at 400 degrees for aprox 10 mins.
In a deep skillet or pan, melt butter with olive oil and add tomatos, stirring until they soften. Add broth, and paella spices. Cook until the tomatos begin to break apart. Put into a food processor, add parsley, and mix to a smooth sauce, season to taste.
I served this with a mixture of string beans and baby carrots.
ya know I have live in Florida for 20 some years and have never had monkfish.....actually I have never seen it in a market....I'm gonna have to go research this...thanks
Boy does that look good. You know you're a great cook when you can "throw things together" and it comes out delicious.
Mmm... this sounds great. You know it's a hit when people literally can't get enough (and do things like wiping plates w/ fingers!)
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