
A Brit, a Yank and a Kitchen

Friday, October 12

Where have I been!?!

I've heard from a couple of you asking where I've disappeared to and I've been slacking at giving a response!! I haven't disappeared really.... but I will tell you that planning a wedding is a HUGE distraction, especially when I've decided I'm going to hand sculpt the wedding favors.

But I am still cooking.... nothing out of the ordinary... no recent lobster thermadores at least. I also lost the awesome camera I had with the sweet macro mode... so I am currently out a decent camera.

OH! But we did receive our first wedding gift! A Le Creuset cast iron French oven!!!! I plan on making pot au feu this weekend in it! :)

It will probably be a while before I start making my regular posts again.... after this whole wedding thing passes (hahahaha!) ;)

But for now, I leave you with this moment of zen...